Who Am I?


Friday, November 14th
Who Am I…in Christ?

Discussion question:
-What defines you? What about your personality or your character is used to describe you?

Galatians 2:20
Discussion question:
-If I am crucified and it is Christ living in me, then my identity must be defined by Him. What does this look like?

-The phrase “identity in Christ” is over-used and not well understood. When I say that my identity is in Christ, I don’t mean that I have it all figured out or that I know what I am (whatever that is suppose to mean). I’m still growing and learning and changing and becoming more like Jesus. My taste in clothes, music, books, tv shows, and food is changing, but those are things that this world mistakes as defining your identity. Our identity in Christ is about deeper things than those.
-When I die to myself, as this scripture explains, it doesn’t mean that I’m no longer unique or that I don’t have my own personality or that I have to look and talk like other Christians supposedly do. I can still be me, but I must recognize that there are aspects of me that Christ desires to work out of me and/or perfect me. Some aspects of my personality, without Christ, could be destructive to me or others, but His perfection brings life.
-This scripture shows us that we can still be the unique individual we are and yet be transformed to be the person God created us to be. They don’t have to be mutually exclusive. We do, however, have to be willing to give up any aspect that Christ wants to change or perfect for His glory.

-Is there something Jesus wants to change in you of which you’re having a hard time letting go?
-Have you owned a part of your personality that Jesus actually wants to change?

Luke 17:33
Discussion question:
-This scripture is often the focus of discussions on salvation. How does it help us to understand identity?

-If we think of “life” here as person or self or personality we can see that our identity in Christ is directly connected to eternal life or what happens to us when we physically die.
-If we wish to keep or hold on to things that Jesus is asking us to let go, we will ultimately be left at a loss. He wants us to give things up, to lose them, with the faith and the confidence that He has an immeasurably greater and better replacement.
-We must be willing to give up our comfort and security we find in being a part of a certain social scene or cause.
-We can’t just live our lives without considering how Christ desires for us to live and the impact He created us to have on the people around us.

Colossians 3:1-4
Discussion questions:
-What does it mean that you have died and raised with Christ?
-How does the reality of Christ’s power to change us influence your understanding of what He wants to do with your fears and insecurities?

-The heading for this scripture passage is “Put On the New Self.” Our identity in Christ is not just about us “dying to self” or the things He wants to change in us.
-Our identity in Christ is also about the awesome things He wants to show us and give us. This isn’t restrictive, it’s empowering.
-In verse 3 it says that “your life is hidden with Christ.” What could that possibly mean?! You are all clearly sitting here and not hiding. Actually, the Amplified version explains that it is this new, real, spiritual life. Our life is hidden with Christ and we are protected.

-When people don’t like us, for whatever reason, as long as its not something we to ask Jesus to change, there is a moment when we get to choose how their not liking us affects us.
-When we have our identity in Christ, we can have confidence about ourselves.

Saturday, November 15th
Who Am I…in the Church?

Discussion question:
-What defines you in the church? Are you just a kid? Are you defined by who your parents are? Or is there something else that identifies you?

-Jesus intends for you to be more than just the child of your parents.
-He created you to be a specific part of His church.
-When He thought up your identity He had a picture of the invaluable role you will play in His church.

Hebrews 3:13
-No matter what Spiritual gifts we have or natural talents the Lord may use in service to the church we are called to encourage daily.

Discussion question:
-Why is “encourager” an important part of your identity as a Christian?

-The Holy Spirit is the encourager. When we encourage one another we are doing it through the power of the Holy Spirit.
-This aspect of our identity is important in helping to build up one other Christians and encouraging them in their understanding of their identity in Christ.

Romans 12:3-8
Discussion question:
-Who do you see has these gifts in our church?

-Part of your identity in the church is allowing the Holy Spirit to use natural aspects of your personality to build up His church.
-Exhortation is motivating and encouraging.
-Leading is vision and direction that is effective but not overbearing.
-Mercy is helping the sick, the poor, and the sorrowful.

1 Corinthians 12:4-11
-We’ve discussed this before, but verse 7 explains that each of us individually have an identity, a role, in the church that is directly from the Holy Spirit and those are listed in verses in 8-10.

Discussion question:
-If your not moving in a supernatural gift from the Holy Spirit what does that mean?

-Just as we must first have our identity in Christ rather than the things we like or do, our identity in the church is about receiving all that Christ has for us.
-He wants to speak through you in prophecy, He wants to give you an extra amount of faith, He wants to use you to heal people and see miracles happen.
-Let’s not despise small beginnings; let’s encourage one another in these gifts.

1 Timothy 4:12
-What more is there to say?! God wants to use you in the church now. He has a role for you. You are more than just some kid in the youth group.

Saturday, November 15th
Who Am I…in the World?

Galatians 1:10
Discussion questions:
-Why is Paul asking these questions?
-Is he saying that being a servant of Christ means that people won’t always like you?
-What does it look like to seek the approval of God over man?

-These are important questions that we should be asking ourselves constantly.
-I can have a bigger, better influence on this world if I am aiming to please God instead of the people around me.
-Sometimes teachers and prophets have things to say of which the world doesn’t approve.

Discussion question:
-Why is it more important to please God than man?

Matthew 5:13-16
Discussion question:
-How can you be “salt” and “light” as Christians to this world?

-Our identity in this world can definitely be “Christian”, but it should also be distinctly Christian traits.
-Some times I feel like I don’t always let my light shine. Sometimes my focus is on myself instead of Jesus and I’m not allowing His love and goodness to be seen by other people through me.
-My identity in the world can’t just be “Christian” or “church-goer”, especially if I don’t ever act like it.
-My identity in this world is determined by Christ’s plan for my life.

Discussion question:
-Look at verse 16, what good does it do for us to be salt and light?

Mark 16:15-18
Discussion question:
-When the world, or the nonbelievers, around us see these signs Jesus says will follow us, what will be their response?
-What can we as Christians offer or do for the people around us who don’t know Jesus?

-This is Jesus speaking to His 11 disciples. We can still understand his to be for us, too.
-This is known as the Great Commission, it is undeniably a command to be a “little Christ”, a Christian; to this dying, sick, and broken world.
-I once heard a preacher say that we need to be Jesus with skin on.

Published by ygatbumc

Bethesda UMC Youth Group Middle and High School students gathering on Sunday nights to pursue the things of God and delve into the presence of the Holy Spirit.

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